Tuesday, May 31, 2005

iPod recipie

1 wax candle
1 iPod (preferrably mini or higher)
collection of ghazals on the iPod e.g. jagjit singh, hariharan, etc. (add more as per taste)
a power failure*
a relatively good voice to sing along

on power failure, light wax candle and place at centre of the room.
switch on iPod and play ghazals by the candle light.
mix well and garnish with cool breeze in the midst of a moonlit night.
sing along with the selected artist for added taste.

Serves: 1 (serves more if those around can sustain the listener's sing along)

Note: Music afficionado can experiment with other collections like instrumental, new age and celtic genres.

* a similar scene can be recreated by switching off the lights, but such thoughts dont arise until one encounters a power failure.


  1. Anonymous1:21 AM

    by far my favorite post of the day...thank you!

  2. lol...I totally concur!!!! unfortunately I havent seen too many blackouts in bombay..:-(

  3. Anonymous2:11 AM

    hey! for a minute the title had me worried :P
    i totally agree :) surreal picture there...

  4. pranav,

    hence the suggestion to switch off the lights to recreate the scene :) a route for much less endowed cities like mumbai that dont have balckouts!

    now chennai has an ace up its sleeve! ha! :)

  5. GOod idea-creative no doubt.I must try this:)
    tx for dropping by my blog.I will be back again to read your blog

  6. failing the ipod, will the ibook do?????

  7. nice one... :)

    but was the spelling mistake
